{% block toolbar %}
{% set menus = {
'export': [
'label':'action : exporter' | trans },
'label':'action : print' | trans }
'edit': [],
'push': [],
'tools': [],
'delete': []
} %}
{# menu "edit" #}
{% set m = [] %}
{% if acl.has_right(constant('\\ACL::CANMODIFRECORD')) %}
{% set m = m|merge([
'label':'action : editer' | trans }
]) %}
{% endif %}
{% if acl.has_right(constant('\\\ACL::CHGSTATUS')) %}
{% set m = m|merge([
'label':'action : status' | trans }
]) %}
{% endif %}
{% if acl.has_right(constant('\\ACL::CANDELETERECORD')) and acl.has_right(constant('\\ACL::CANADDRECORD')) %}
{% set m = m|merge([
'label':'action : collection' | trans }
]) %}
{% endif %}
{% set menus = menus|merge({'edit' : m}) %}
{# menu "push" #}
{% set m = [] %}
{% if acl.has_right(constant('\\ACL::CANPUSH')) %}
{% set m = m|merge([
'label':'action : push' | trans },
'label':'Feedback' | trans }
]) %}
{% endif %}
{% if acl.has_right(constant('\\ACL::BAS_CHUPUB')) %}
{% set m = m|merge([
'label':'action : publier' | trans }
]) %}
{% endif %}
{% set menus = menus|merge({'push' : m}) %}
{# menu "tools" #}
{% if acl.has_right(constant('\\ACL::IMGTOOLS')) %}
{% set menus = menus|merge({'tools' : [
'label':'action : outils' | trans }
]}) %}
{% endif %}
{# menu "delete" #}
{% if acl.has_right(constant('\\ACL::CANDELETERECORD')) %}
{% set menus = menus|merge({'delete' : [
'label':'action : supprimer' | trans }
]}) %}
{% endif %}
{# add plugins entries #}
{% if plugins.actionbar is not empty %}
{% for plugin in plugins.actionbar %}
{% for k, menu in plugin.getActionBar() %}
{% if k != '_context_' %}
{% set m = menus[k]|default([]) %}
{% for action in menu %}
{% set m = m|merge([{
'icon':plugin_asset(plugin.PluginName, action.icon),
'label':action.label|trans({}, plugin.PluginLocale) }])
{% endfor %}
{% set menus = menus|merge({(k) : m}) %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{# print #}
{% for menu_entries in menus %}
{% if menu_entries|length > 0 %}
{% set menu_entry = menu_entries[0] %}
{% set menu_entries = menu_entries|slice(1) %}
{% if menu_entries|length > 0 %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
{% block toolbarJS %}
{% if plugins.actionbar is not empty %}
{% for pluginId, plugin in plugins.actionbar %}
{% if plugin.getActionBarTemplate is defined %}
{% set template = plugin.getActionBarTemplate() %}
{% if template %}
{% include template with {'app': app, 'plugin_id': pluginId, 'plugin': plugin} only %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}