{{ record.getTitle(app.locale)|e|highlight }}
{% for flag in record_flags(record) %}

{% endfor %}
{% set can_see_business = granted_on_collection(record.baseId, [constant('\\ACL::CANMODIFRECORD')]) %}
{% if record.type == 'video' and attribute(record.exif, constant('\\media_subdef::TC_DATA_DURATION')) is defined %}
{{ attribute(record.exif, constant('\\media_subdef::TC_DATA_DURATION'))|formatDuration }}
{% endif %}
{% if settings.doctype_display == '1' %}
{{ record_doctype_icon(record) }}
{% endif %}
{% set rollover = record.subdefs.thumbnailgif is defined %}
{% set extraclass = '' %}
{% if rollover %}
{% set extraclass = 'rollover-gif-out' %}
{% endif %}
{{ result_macro.thumbnail(record, settings.images_size, settings.images_size, extraclass) }}
{% if rollover %}
{% set extraclass = 'rollover-gif-hover hide' %}
{{ result_macro.thumbnailgif(record, settings.images_size, settings.images_size, extraclass) }}
{% endif %}
{% set l_width = 30 %}
{% if settings.rollover_thumbnail == 'preview' or settings.rollover_thumbnail == 'caption' %}
{% set l_width = l_width + 50 %}
{% elseif settings.technical_display == '1' %}
{% set l_width = l_width + 50 %}
{% endif %}
{# drop down options #}
{% set collectionLogo = collection_logo(record.baseId) %}
{% if collectionLogo is empty %}
{{ record.collectionName }}
{% else %}
{{ collectionLogo|raw }}
{% endif %}
{% if settings.rollover_thumbnail == 'caption' %}
{% if record_subdef_url(record, 'preview') is not null and has_access_subdef(record, 'preview') %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if settings.rollover_thumbnail == 'preview' %}
{% endif %}
{% if settings.technical_display == '1' %}
{% endif %}
{% if settings.show_context_menu %}
{% endif %}