{{ 'preview::tab:feedback list' | trans }}

{% for basket_element in feedbackElementDatas %} {% set basket = basket_element.getBasket() %} {% set validationSession = basket.getValidation() %} {% if validationSession.isParticipant(app.getAuthenticatedUser()) and (validationSession.getParticipant(app.getAuthenticatedUser()).getCanSeeOthers() or validationSession.getParticipant(app.getAuthenticatedUser()).getUser() == app.getAuthenticatedUser() )%} {% set basketName = basket.getName() %}
{{ basketName }} {% if validationSession.getExpires() < date() %} ( {{ 'preview::tab:feedback closed' | trans }} ) {% else %} ( {{ 'preview::tab:feedback open' | trans }} ) {% endif %}
{% set initiator %} {{ validationSession.getInitiator().getDisplayName() }} {% endset %} {% set createdDate = app['date-formatter'].getDateTranslated(validationSession.getCreated()) %} {% trans with {'%initiator%' : initiator, '%createdDate%': createdDate} %}Feedback:: Requested by %initiator% on %createdDate%{% endtrans %}
{% for choice in basket_element.getValidationDatas() %} {% if validationSession.getParticipant(app.getAuthenticatedUser()).getCanSeeOthers() %} {% if choice.getParticipant().getCanAgree() %}
{{ choice.getParticipant().getUser().getDisplayName() }} {% if choice.getAgreement() == true %} {% elseif choice.getAgreement() is null %} {% else %} {% endif %}
{% endif %} {% else %} {% if choice.getParticipant().getCanAgree() and choice.getParticipant().getUser() == app.getAuthenticatedUser() %}
{{ choice.getParticipant().getUser().getDisplayName() }} {% if choice.getAgreement() == true %} {% elseif choice.getAgreement() is null %} {% else %} {% endif %}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% endfor %}