{% macro bas_list(module, search_datas) %} {% set unique_id = module.getRandom() %}
{% for base in search_datas['bases'] %} {% set sbas_id = base['sbas_id'] %}
{% endfor %}
{% endmacro %} {% set jquery_theme = 'dark-hive' %} {% set step = app.flash('step_by_step') %} {% extends "common/index_bootstrap.html.twig" %} {% block icon %} {% endblock %} {% block rss %} {% for feed in feeds %} {% set link = app['feed.user-link-generator'].generate(feed, app.getAuthenticatedUser(), 'rss') %} {% set link = app['feed.user-link-generator'].generate(feed, app.getAuthenticatedUser(), 'atom') %} {% endfor %} {% set link = app['feed.aggregate-link-generator'].generate(aggregate, app.getAuthenticatedUser(), 'rss') %} {% set link = app['feed.aggregate-link-generator'].generate(aggregate, app.getAuthenticatedUser(), 'atom') %} {% endblock %} {% block stylesheet %} {% endblock %} {% block javascript %} {% include "common/templates.html.twig" %} {% endblock %} {% block content %} {% set search_datas = module_prod.get_search_datas() %}
{{ 'Chargement' | trans }}
{% set ratio = app['settings'].getUserSetting(app.getAuthenticatedUser(), 'search_window') %} {% if ratio == 0 %} {% set ratio = '0.333' %} {% endif %} {% set w1 = (100 * ratio) %} {% set w2 = (100 - w1) %}
{% block tabs_panel %}
{% include 'prod/tab_headers.html.twig' %} {% import 'prod/WorkZone/Macros.html.twig' as WorkZoneMacros %} {% set expose_activate = app['conf'].get(['phraseanet-service', 'expose-service', 'activated']) %} {% if expose_activate == 'true' %} {% block tab_headers_wrapper %}
{% endblock %} {% else %}
{{WorkZoneMacros.make_bloc(app, WorkZone)}}
{% endif %} {% if GV_thesaurus %}

{{ 'index::advance_search: facet-order' | trans }}

{% set order_facet = app['settings'].getUserSetting(app.getAuthenticatedUser(), 'order_facet') %}

{{ 'index::advance_search: facet-values-order' | trans }}

{% set facet_values_order = app['settings'].getUserSetting(app.getAuthenticatedUser(), 'facet_values_order') %}
{% set facetFilter = app['settings'].getUserSetting(app.getAuthenticatedUser(), 'facet') %} {% set _empty_facetFilter = app['settings'].getUserSetting(app.getAuthenticatedUser(), 'show_unset_field_facet') %}
{{ 'index::advance_search: facet' | trans }}
{# TODO : make behaviour as in 4.0 #} {# #} {#
{{ 'index::advance_search: hidden-facet-values-order' | trans }}
{% include 'prod/tab_thesaurus.html.twig' with {has_access_to_module: app.getAclForUser(app.getAuthenticatedUser()).has_access_to_module('thesaurus')} %} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% if plugins.workzone is not empty %}
{% for pluginId, plugin in plugins.workzone %} {% include plugin.getWorkzoneTemplate() with {'app': app, 'plugin_id': pluginId} only %} {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if app['settings'].getUserSetting(app.getAuthenticatedUser(), 'start_page') == 'QUERY' %} {% set startq = "{\"query\":{\"_ux_zone\":\"\",\"type\":\"CLAUSES\",\"must_match\":\"ALL\",\"enabled\":true,\"clauses\":[{\"_ux_zone\":\"FULLTEXT\",\"type\":\"FULLTEXT\",\"value\":\"" %} {% set startq = startq ~ (app['settings'].getUserSetting(app.getAuthenticatedUser(), 'start_page_query') | replace({'"': '\\"'})) %} {% set startq = startq ~ "\",\"enabled\":true}]}}" %} {% elseif app['settings'].getUserSetting(app.getAuthenticatedUser(), 'start_page') == 'LAST_QUERY' %} {% set startq = app['settings'].getUserSetting(app.getAuthenticatedUser(), 'last_jsonquery') %} {% if startq is empty %} {% set startq = "{\"query\":{\"_ux_zone\":\"\",\"type\":\"CLAUSES\",\"must_match\":\"ALL\",\"enabled\":true,\"clauses\":[{\"_ux_zone\":\"FULLTEXT\",\"type\":\"FULLTEXT\",\"value\":\"" %} {% set startq = startq ~ "\",\"enabled\":true}]}}" %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {#container fetched by js #}
{% if geocodingProviders|length > 0 %} {% endif %}
{% if GV_multiAndReport %} {% else %} {% endif %}
{% include "prod/toolbar.html.twig" with {acl: app.getAclForUser(app.getAuthenticatedUser())} %} {{ 'Preferences' | trans }}
{% endblock %} {% block extra_content %}

{% if GV_google_api is not empty %}
{% endif %}
{# Set the property dialog title #} {# Set the notification dialog title #} {# Set mapbox conf to user setting #} {% endblock %}