{% set selectionLength = records|length %} {% set isVideo = 'false' %} {% if selectionLength == 1 %} {% for record in records %} {% set subdefs = record.get_subdefs() %} {% if record.get_type() == 'video' %} {% set isVideo = 'true' %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% set overlapChapters = app['settings'].getUserSetting(app.getAuthenticatedUser(), 'overlapChapters') %}
{# jquery Tabs #}
{# jquery menu #}
{% if selectionLength == 1 %} {% for record in records %} {% if record.get_type() == 'video' %}
{% set outputFormats = record.getSubdfefByDeviceAndMime(null, ['image/jpeg', 'image/png']) %} {% set previewHtml5 = record.getSubdfefByDeviceAndMime(constant('\\databox_subdef::DEVICE_SCREEN'), ['video/ogg', 'video/mp4', 'video/webm']) %} {% set dataW = constant('media_subdef::TC_DATA_WIDTH') %} {% set dataH = constant('media_subdef::TC_DATA_HEIGHT') %} {% set technical_info = record.get_technical_infos %} {#Set the preview Ratio #} {% set width = technical_info[dataW].value %} {% set height = technical_info[dataH].value %} {% set prevRatio = '' %} {% if width and height %} {% set ratio = (width / height)|number_format(2, '.') %} {% endif %} {#Set the document Ratio #} {% for subdef in previewHtml5 %} {% set width = subdef.get_width() %} {% set height = subdef.get_height() %} {% if width and height %} {% if subdef.get_name()=='preview' %} {% set prevRatio = (width / height)|number_format(2, '.') %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{{ ratio }}
{{ record.get_mime() }}
{% if record.exif[constant('media_subdef::TC_DATA_FRAMERATE')] is defined %}
{{ 'Images par secondes' | trans }}
{{ record.exif[constant('media_subdef::TC_DATA_FRAMERATE')] | round(2) }}ips
{% endif %} {% if record.exif[constant('media_subdef::TC_DATA_AUDIOCODEC')] is defined %}
{{ 'Codec Audio' | trans }}
{{ record.exif[constant('media_subdef::TC_DATA_AUDIOCODEC')] }}
{% endif %}
{{ 'Size' | trans }}
{% set width = record.exif[constant('media_subdef::TC_DATA_WIDTH')]|default (null) %} {% set height = record.exif[constant('media_subdef::TC_DATA_HEIGHT')]|default(null) %} {% if width is not none and height is not none %} {{ width ~ " x " ~ height }} {% endif %}

{{ "screenshot video" | trans }}

#} {#
#} {#
#} {#
{% for videoTextTrackField in videoTextTrackFields %} {% endfor %}

{{ "prod:videoeditor:subtitleRequestTab:: Request in process" | trans }}

{% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %}
{# hidden iframe to handle upload #}