{% if Basket.getValidation() is empty or Basket.getValidation().isInitiator(app.getAuthenticatedUser()) %}
{% endif %}
{{ Basket.getName()|length > 80 ? Basket.getName()|slice(0, 77) ~ '...' : Basket.getName() }}
{{ Basket.getElements().count() }} {{ ' records' }}
{% if Basket.getPusher() %}
{% set user_name = '' ~ Basket.getPusher(app).getDisplayName() | e ~ '' %} {% trans with {'%user_name%' : user_name} %}Received from %user_name%{% endtrans %}
{% endif %} {% if Basket.getValidation() %}{% set list_participants = '' %} {% for Participant in Basket.getValidation().getParticipants() %} {% if list_participants != '' %} {% set list_participants = list_participants ~ ', ' %} {% endif %} {% set list_participants = list_participants ~ '' %} {% set list_participants = list_participants ~ Participant.getUser().getDisplayName() | e %} {% set list_participants = list_participants ~ '' %} {% endfor %} {% trans with {'%list_participants%' : list_participants} %}Sent for validation to %list_participants%{% endtrans %}
{% endif %}