{% if app.getAclForUser(app.getAuthenticatedUser()).has_right(constant('\\ACL::CANMODIFRECORD')) %} {% endif %} {% if app.getAclForUser(app.getAuthenticatedUser()).has_right(constant('\\ACL::CHGSTATUS')) %} {% endif %} {% if app.getAclForUser(app.getAuthenticatedUser()).has_right(constant('\\ACL::CANDELETERECORD')) and app.getAclForUser(app.getAuthenticatedUser()).has_right(constant('\\ACL::CANADDRECORD')) %} {% endif %}
{% if app.getAclForUser(app.getAuthenticatedUser()).has_right(constant('\\ACL::CANPUSH')) %} {% endif %} {% if app.getAclForUser(app.getAuthenticatedUser()).has_right(constant('\\ACL::CANPUSH')) %} {% endif %} {% if app.getAclForUser(app.getAuthenticatedUser()).has_right(constant('\\ACL::BAS_CHUPUB')) %} {##} {% endif %} {% if app.getAclForUser(app.getAuthenticatedUser()).has_right(constant('\\ACL::IMGTOOLS')) %} {% endif %}
{% if plugins['actionbar'] is not empty %} {% for plugin in plugins['actionbar'] %} {% for key, action in plugin.getBasketActionBar() %} {% set label = action.label %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} {% endif %}
{% if basket.getValidation() %} {% set disabled = '' %} {% if basket.getValidation().isFinished() %} {% set disabled = 'disabled' %} {% endif %}
{% set nb_records = basket.getElements()|length %} {% set date = app['date-formatter'].getPrettyString(basket.getUpdated()) %}

{{ 'prod:workzone:basket:creation-date' | trans }} : {{ date }}

{% trans with {'%nb_records%' : nb_records} %}%nb_records% records{% endtrans %}
{% set dateExpired = app['date-formatter'].getFormatedDate(basket.getValidation().getExpires()) %}
{% if basket.getValidation().getExpires() < date() %} {{ 'workzone:feedback:expiration-closed' | trans }} : {% else %} {{ 'workzone:feedback:expiration-open' | trans }} : {% endif %}

{{ 'prod:workzone:basket:updated-message' | trans }}

{% endif %}
{% set basket_length = basket.getElements()|length %}
{{ 'Certaines donnees du panier ont change' | trans }} {{ 'rafraichir' | trans }}
{% if basket_length == 0 %}
{% endif %} {% set basket_scope = 'objects' %} {% import 'prod/WorkZone/Macros.html.twig' as Macros %} {% if basket.getValidation() %} {{ Macros.display_validation(app, basket, ordre) }} {% else %} {{ Macros.display_basket(app, basket) }} {% endif %} {% if basket.getValidation() %} {% endif %}