{% if basket.getValidation() %}
{{ basket.getValidation().getValidationString(app, app.getAuthenticatedUser()) }}
{% for choice in basket_element.getValidationDatas() %}
{% if basket.getValidation().getParticipant(app.getAuthenticatedUser()).getCanSeeOthers() or choice.getParticipant().getUser() == app.getAuthenticatedUser() %}
{% if choice.getAgreement() == true %}
{% set classuser = 'agree' %}
{% elseif choice.getAgreement() is null %}
{% set classuser = '' %}
{% else %}
{% set classuser = 'disagree' %}
{% endif %}
{% set participant = choice.getParticipant().getUser() %}
- {{participant.getDisplayName()}}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if basket_element and basket_element.getBasket().getValidation() and basket.getValidation().getParticipant(app.getAuthenticatedUser()).getCanAgree() %}
{% set agreement = basket_element.getUserValidationDatas(app.getAuthenticatedUser()).getAgreement() %}
{{ 'validation:: OUI' | trans }}
{{ 'validation:: NON' | trans }}
{% endif %}
{% if basket_element.getBasket().getValidation() %}
{% endif %}